Saturday, July 6, 2024

11 Widespread Sanskrit Phrases in Yoga and Their Which means

Sanskrit is probably the most historic language on this planet, sometimes called the “Mom of all languages.” It holds a prestigious place among the many 22 official languages of India and is similar to the traditional Latin and Greek languages.

Most Hindu scriptures are written in Sanskrit, making it important to grasp the language. Sanskrit, which is over 3500 years outdated, was as soon as thought of a standing image and a mark of magnificence in historic occasions.

The importance of Sanskrit in yoga is clear, as most yoga asanas are named in Sanskrit. Moreover, many fashionable Indian languages are both immediately derived from or influenced by Sanskrit. To grasp topics like Ayurveda, Yoga, Astrology, or to learn any of the 4 Vedas and different Hindu scriptures, a transparent understanding of Sanskrit is critical.

Past Hinduism, Sanskrit can be the philosophical language of Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, with some texts in these religions written in Sanskrit. Lastly, the common sound “OM,” utilized by yogis, meditators, non secular gurus, and seers to loosen up the thoughts and hook up with greater realms, is itself a Sanskrit phrase.

Origin of Sanskrit

The oldest type of Sanskrit, Vedic Sanskrit, is the language during which the 4 Vedas of the Hindu faith have been written and compiled. The compilation is claimed to have taken place someplace between 1700-1200 BCE and the language is believed to belong to the Indo-Aryan household.

The essential Vedas are Rig Veda, Sam Veda, Yajur Vedia, and Atharva Veda which comprise hymns, incantations, philosophies, and steerage for Vedic clergymen. It’s believed that these Vedas are a direct revelation to the seers of the Aryan individuals. 

Round 1000 BCE, the Vedic Sanskrit started its transformational part from the primary language to the second language that was meant for faith and studying. Throughout 500 BCE, historic scholar “Panini” labored on grammar which gave start to Basic Sanskrit. That is the language during which a number of the most well-known dramas, poems, and epics have been written. The classical Sanskrit is the Sanskrit we see and know right now.

Sanskrit Alphabets, Grammar, and Vocabulary

Sanskrit has 46 alphabets in its vocabulary which is written in Devanagari script. It’s the identical script during which most Indian languages are and is written from left to proper. The vowels are nasalized and the vowel size makes the distinction within the phrase that means. Nonetheless, the variety of consonants is debatable but it’s stated that the stock is kind of massive. 

The Sanskrit language makes use of prefixes, suffixes, infixes, and reduplication to type the phrases. Sanskrit grammar consists of three nouns – single, twin, and plural whereas the verbs are broadly categorized into 2 teams – thematic and athematic. So when a Sanskrit sentence is fashioned, the verb is normally positioned on the finish, nonetheless, there could be sure exceptions to this. 

Relation of Sanskrit and Yoga

Similar to Sanskrit, yoga can be an historic follow, the point out of which is present in historic Hindu scriptures. And for the reason that scriptures have additionally been written in Sanskrit, the yoga asanas and strategies have to be additionally in the identical language. Furthermore, the teachings and information have been handed on from the trainer to the coed in the identical language, therefore additionally it is a type of conserving a convention alive.

One other issue is that sure Sanskrit sounds have therapeutic results. The commonest phrase, OM, is chanted to achieve the advantages of the vibrational frequency of the letters ‘a’, ‘u’, and ‘m’. Additionally it is stated that the vibration of this phrase represents the sound of all the universe. 

Lastly, utilizing Sanskrit phrases in yoga offers readability and maintains the that means of a phrase, which can be misplaced in translation. 

11 Widespread Sanskrit phrases utilized in Yoga

Although there’s a multitude of phrases that can be utilized with yoga, the under 11 Sanskrit phrases are used generally in yoga periods.

1. Yoga Usually pronounced as ‘yo-gaa’, it’s derived from the Sanskrit phrase ‘yuj’ which implies to ‘unite’ or ‘to hitch’. Surprisingly, this phrase doesn’t have a direct English title, like another Sanskrit phrases. When working towards yoga, you’re looking for to unite your thoughts, physique, and spirit and in addition a union between self and Divine.

2. AsanaIt’s pronounced as ‘aah-sa-nah’ and it means pose or seat. This phrase is the commonest because it comes within the names of virtually all of the yoga pose names. Each pupil and yoga practitioner will come throughout this phrase in every yoga session. It’s a most vital a part of hatha yoga and entails a variety of bodily motion.

3. Namaste Pronounced as ‘na-ma-sthey’, it’s the widespread type of greeting within the Hindu faith. The Sanskrit translation of the phrase is ‘I bow to you’, nonetheless, when it comes to yoga, it may well additionally imply ‘the divine mild inside me bows to the divine mild inside you’. It’s fairly actually the Indian model of claiming ‘howdy’ or ‘hello’.

4. OM One other widespread phrase, used as a chant is OM and is pronounced as ‘ohhmmm’. In line with the Hindu custom, this phrase is the unique sound and the sound that’s the creator of different sounds of the universe. You’ll typically discover this phrase on the partitions of the yoga or meditation studios, within the houses of most Hindu households, and even in eating places.

5. Prana The life pressure current in every of us is pronounced as ‘praa-nah’. The Sanskrit that means of prana is ‘breath’ and it flows in all dwelling beings. This idea is current in virtually all of the cultures of the world resembling Ki in Japanese, Holy Trinity in Christianity, Chi in Chinese language, and so on.

6. Bandha It’s pronounced as ‘bahn-da’ and it means a ‘tight lock’. The bandha is a solution to constrain the circulate of prana by means of constriction of the muscle tissue and inside focus. It’s typically used throughout pranayama and chakra yogas to take care of the circulate of power. Some widespread bandhas are Mula Bandha for Root Chakra, Uddiyana Bandha for Photo voltaic Plexus Chakra, and Jalandhara Bandha for the Throat Chakra. 

7. Dhyana The phrase is pronounced as ‘theeaa-nah’. The literal translation is ‘focus’ and it’s a type of stress-free meditation that’s typically used as a warm-up earlier than a yoga session. The Dhyana can be the seventh limb of Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga. 

8. Chakra The pronunciation of this phrase is ‘chuck-rah’. In Sanskrit, chakra interprets to ‘wheel’ and within the perspective of yoga, they’re spinning wheels of power which can be current alongside the backbone. Every chakra spins clockwise and has a particular emotion, colour, and factor hooked up to it. Numerous yoga asanas are directed to maintain the chakras in stability or activate them. 

9. Mudra It’s a symbolic hand gesture and is pronounced as ‘mooh-druh’. These hand gestures are an important a part of yoga as they assist in regulating the prana and effectively regulating your doshas.

10. Mantra It’s pronounced as ‘mun-truh’ which implies phrases or group of Sanskrit phrases which have non secular significance and resonance. These Sanskrit sounds have a profound impact on the thoughts throughout meditation or yoga. OM is the commonest of all of the mantra that’s chanted earlier than, throughout, or after the yoga or meditation periods.

11. Guru – the phrase is pronounced as ‘goo-roo’ which implies a trainer. If we break up the phrase, ‘Gu’ means remover and ‘Ru’ means ignorance or darkness. Therefore a guru is a realized one that helps you take away your ignorance by imparting divine information. For this reason yoga academics are referred to as gurus as they’re serving to you attain your bodily and psychological well-being.

Sanskrit Glossary of Yoga

1. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with A 

Abhyasa (ah-bee-yah-sah) – repetition or fixed follow. Willful and focuses non secular follow. 

Adho (ah-doh) – downward. The time period is utilized in a yoga asana Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-facing Canine pose

Ahimsa (ah-himn-saa) – nonviolence or non-harming. The termed was embodied by Mahatma Gandhi

Ananda (ah-nun-dah) – the very best state of being or bliss.

Ashram (ah-shrum) – a yoga college or hermitage

Ashtanga (ush-tun-ga) – eight-limbed yoga. The eight-limbed path as described by Patanjali in Yoga Sutra. Additionally, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is an athletic a part of hatha yoga. 

Ayurveda (ayoor-ved-ah) – the science of life. In right now’s context, it’s a holistic type of medication involving crops which have minimal unintended effects.

2. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with B

Balak (baa-luck) – boy or a male pupil

Bhagavad Gita (bhug-vud-gee-taa) – an historic guide which particulars about yoga, that is part of the well-known Hindu epic Mahabharata.

Bhagavan (bhug-va-nuh) – the Lord, Creator  

Bhakti (bhak-tee) – cultivating love and devotion to the divine with out query.   

Bija (bee-juh) – seed. Supply. The bija mantras are core sounds with non secular energy. OM is one such generally used bija mantra. 

Brahma Nadi (bruh-muh-nuh-dee) – an lively channel alongside the backbone that’s associated to connecting the human experiences with common consciousness.

Buddhi (bood-hee) – the seat of knowledge. The very best type of thoughts. 

3. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with C

Chandra (chun-drah) – the moon

Chaitanya (chey-tun-yuh) – absolute consciousness 

Chaturanga (chat-u-run-ga) – the yogic plank pose

Chinta (chin-tah) – fear

Chiranjivi (chi-run-jee-vi) – an individual who has gained immortality

Chit (chih-tuh) – the acutely aware frame of mind. Emotional and feeling part of the thoughts  

4. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with D

Dana (daan) – charity, the facet of selfless giving

Dasa (daas) – servant or slave

Devanagari (they-vuh-naa-giri) – the left to proper script of sanskrit and different Indian languages.

Dharma (dhur-mah) – the aim and path of life that can result in peace, reality and enlightenment  

Drishti (drish-tee) – a focus to set your gaze and improve focus and focus throughout yoga follow. Additionally it is the divine imaginative and prescient.

Dukha (du-khuh) – the sensation of unhappiness, grief 

5. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with E

Eka (eh-kuh) – to indicate #1 in Sanskrit. Additionally utilized in many yoga poses resembling Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, or One Leg Pigeon Pose.

Ekanta (eh-kaan-tuh) – seclusion or solitude

Ekata (ehk-tuh) – oneness or homogeneity 

6. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with G

Gagana (guh-gun) – the sky 

Ganapati (gun-uh-puh-ti) – a Hindu God that bestows success 

Graha (gruhuh) – planets 

Granthi (grun-thee) – tie or knot. One of many 3 blockages within the central power circulate which hampers the trail of enlightenment in tantra yoga.

Guni (goo-nee) – an individual with qualities

7. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with H

Halasana (hul-ah-suh-nuh) – a yoga asana that imitates a plough (hala) 

Hanuman (huh-noo-maan) – a strong monkey god who’s a Lord Rama devotee. He helped Lord Rama struggle the Ravana.

Hasta (hus-tuh) – hand or arm. Hasta mudras are hand gestures which can be used throughout yoga and meditation

Hatha (huh-tuh) – forceful path. yoga carried out to stability the solar and moon power

Hridaya (hree-duyah) – the center

8. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with I 

Iccha (ich-chah) – need or want

Idanadi (ee-dah-nuh-dee) –  the power channel to the left of Brahma Nadi that connects the basis chakra to the left nostril

Indra (in-druh) – a Hindu god of rain and ruler of heaven. The phrase also can imply thoughts or soul.  

Itihasa (ee-tee-ha-suh) – historical past, epic resembling Mahabharat or Ramayana

Iyengar (eye-yen-gur) – a preferred yoga fashion that makes use of props like ropes, blankets, blocks and belts. It emphasised element, precision and alignment of asanas 

9. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with J 

Japa (jup-uh) – repetitive chanting of mantras or prayers. A solution to practice the thoughts to pay attention and never have stray ideas. It’s typically executed with beads.

Janma (jun-muh) – start, coming into being 

Jati (jaa-tee) – class, species 

Jiva (jee-vuh) – particular person soul

Jnana (juh-naa-nuh) – a yogic path to non secular knowledge and information

Jyoti (ji-yo-tee) – mild, illumination, luminosity 

10. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with Okay 

Karma (kur-mah) – the legislation of trigger and impact. We’re solely answerable for our actions and the results we face.

Kirtan (keer-tun) – a devotional singing, chanting of hymns and mantras in a gathering

Kosha (ko-shuh) – a masking of the soul or sheath 

Kriya (kree-yah) – bodily motion. Explicit set of workout routines in hatha yoga. 

Kumbhaka (koom-bha-kah) – the holding of breath throughout pranayam

Kundalini (kun-duh-lee-nee) – the coiled power on the root chakra that rises on awakening  

11. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with L 

Lajja (luj-jah) – disgrace or shyness

Lakshya (luck-shyuh) – purpose, goal, focus level 

Lila (lee-laa) – the divine play

Linga (lin-guh) – gender, image, signal

Lobha (low-bhuh) – greed

12. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with M

Mahan (maa-haan) – the nice

Maharaj (maa-haa-raa-juh) – king

Mala (maa-laa) – rosary. Beads used for japa.

Manas (maa-nus) – the rational thoughts that processes senses and fundamental info.

Mandala (mun-daa-laa) – a geometrical round design that represents the cosmos. Generally utilized in meditation  

Maya (maa-yaa) – an phantasm, the delusion of the thoughts to the worldly powers

Moksha (mok-shuh) – last enlightenment, the last word liberating of soul

13. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with N

Nabhi (naa-bhee) – navel 

Nadi (nah-dee) – the channel of power pressure within the physique, psychic present 

Nidra (nid-raa) – sleep, in a deep sleep state 

Nirodhah (nee-rodh) – self-discipline, restriction, taming

Nirvana (neer-vaa-nuh) – liberation   

Niyama (nee-yum) – the second limb of Patanjali’s eight-limbed yoga. It’s a set of practices or guidelines that takes us on the trail of self-purification.

Nritya (nree-tyuh) – dance, the dance of Lord Shiva is known as Tandav Nritya. 

14. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with O 

Ojas (oh-jus) – non secular power or vigour 

Omkara (om-kaa-ruh) – similar to Om, it symbolises the sound on the creation of universe

15. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with P

Pada (puh-duh) – foot or leg

Patanjali (puh-tun-juh-lee) – an historic Indian seer, thinker and sage who compiled the Yoga Sutra.

Prakriti (pruh-kri-tee) – nature, primal nature of a being 

Prajna (pruhg-nuh) – the very best consciousness and consciousness

Pranayam (prah-nah-yah-muh) – the acutely aware managed course of respiration. Additionally it is a standard yoga follow.

Pratyahara (pruh-tyuh-huh-ruh) – withdrawal from the bodily senses throughout meditation

Purna (poo-rnuh) – absolute, full, full 

16. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with R

Rachnatmak (ruch-naa-tuh-muck) – nice creativity, capability to think about, revolutionary and create authentic concepts

Rakta (ruk-tuh) – blood 

Ratna (rut-nuh) – jewel, gem 

Rishi (ree-shee) – seer, the one who seeks the reality

Rudraksh (roo-drak-shuh) – actually interprets to Eye of Shiva. They’re seeds of berries which can be stated to be holy and are worn as beads in arms, neck and used as japa mala.

17. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with S 

Samadhi (sum-ah-dee) – the very best purpose of the unitive state with the divine by means of meditation.  

Sanskar (suns-kaar) – the developed habits or unconscious impressions which were realized from ancestors and private expertise

Satya (sut-yuh) – the reality, actuality

Savasana (shuv-ah-suh-nah) – the corpse pose. The ultimate leisure pose in a yoga or meditation class the place you lie flat on the bottom

Shakti (shuck-tee) – the female divine power. energy, pressure, power

Shanti (shaan-tee) – peace, calm. A typical mantra chanted in yoga or meditation periods

Surya namaskar (soo-ryuh-nuh-mus-kaa-ruh) – the solar salutation. An intense yoga follow with a number of yoga asanas which can be carried out in a circulate.

18. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with T

Tapa (tuh-puh) – warmth constructing, depth created by intense self-discipline and austerity.

Tantra (tun-tuh-raa) – a yoga sort that focuses on the energetic facet of yoga with stress upon japa of mantra and chakras  

Tattva (tuht-vuh) – factor, precept, essence

Tivra (tee-vruh) – intense, sharp, eager

Trataka (traa-tuh-kah) – regular gaze. An open eye type of meditation the place you stare upon a degree or candle flame with out blinking to enhance non secular imaginative and prescient.

Tulsi (tul-see) – the Indian Holy Basil.

Tyaga (tee-yah-guh) – sacrifice, renunciation  

19. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with U 

Ujjayi (ooj-juh-ee) – victorious respiration. One of many widespread pranayama strategies 

Upanishad (oop-nee-shud) – the portion of Vedas that imparts non secular information, final realization and reality. 

Upasana (oo-paa-suh-nah) – actually means to take a seat close to. Additionally means devotion to God

Utthita (oo-tee-thah) – prolonged. Refers to asanas the place you prolong or stretch your physique past the common variation  

20. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with V 

Vairagya (vai-raa-gyuh) – the yogic follow of detachment and renunciation of worldly issues 

Vata (vuh-tuh) – one of many three doshas or constitutions of the physique that’s associated to the factor of air.

Vayu (vaa-yoo) – wind, air, very important breath 

Vedas (vey-dahs) – the oldest hindu scriptures which have particulars relating to yoga, chakras, doshas, and so on. they’re 4 foremost vedas, Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, and Atharva Veda. 

Vidya (vee-dyah) – information

Vinyasa (vin-yaa-suh) – the sequence of two or extra asanas which can be carried out in a fluid movement and synchronized respiration strategies. The commonest vinyasa is the Solar Salutation.

Viveka (vee-vey-kah) – clear sight

21. Sanskrit Phrases Beginning with Y 

Yamas (yah-mah) – the rules or set of practices that allow us follow ethical restraint in the direction of liberation.  

Yantra (yun-truh) – a geometrical design to invoke non secular awakening

Yatra (yaa-trah) – journey, pilgrimage

Yoni (yo-nee) – womb, supply, feminine organ of era. The yoni mudra helps us obtain a calmness of thoughts and detachment from the chaos of the outer world. Yuga (yoo-guh) – the division of time within the Hindu faith. As per the Hindu faith there are 4 yugas- Krita, Treta, Dvapara and Kali. Ranging from the first yuga, every yuga’s size is decreased by 1/4th. The length of all of the yugas are 12000 divine years and every yuga is split into 360 human years. The proportion of every yuga could be divided into 4:3:2:1.

Remaining Thought

Sanskrit is a language that’s troublesome to study as a result of particular phonetics, nonetheless, studying any completely different language wants persistence. In case you are profitable, you’ll perceive the that means of every phrase that you’re utilizing repeatedly and in addition be capable to expertise a way of readability. 

It is going to appear as if you’re on a non secular journey and can assist your understanding of the tradition. And who is aware of, that when you get a grasp of the language, you could possibly perceive the underlying that means of every yoga asana on the next degree!

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